Monday, May 20, 2024

The Running Sensei: An Arbonne Independent Consultant


Getting Stronger with Rocky and Arbonne!

Welcome to my Arbonne Blog where I share how these products and my fitness lifestyle have changed my life!  It's never too late to make time for your wellness so you are not forced to make time for your illness!  Join me in a healthy lifestyle journey!  What do you value?  I value my relationship with GOD, family and helping others.  So my goals are based on that and how I can do that.  Health begins in the kitchen and unfortunately it's my hardest challenge so I'm with you if it's yours too!  I will be here to guide you all the way with ideas for nutrition as well as working out and work/life balance including coping strategies and more!

Tim Garriss

Start today!!!  Visit my site and be amazed as I was in all these great products!  These are Canadian regulated so all those ingredients etc which are still legal in many countries are not included here! 

Click this--------->My Arbonne Products Site

My Reviews of personally tested products!!

I used this meal replacement shake mix to help me to winning 2 events in the NC Regional of the American Challenge of the RAW Powerlifting Federation in May of 2024!  I needed to cut about 12lbs down to the 148.8(67.5kg) 55-59 class but did not want to lose muscle in this quest.  Not only did I make weight, but I broke 2 NC records!!!  

During my training, I realized that the goal of 1g per body weight was short.  I tried this pea protein vanilla flavored shake.  At first, I was not game since I'm a chocolate lover!  Who in their right mind isn't?  Sorry not sorry haha!  But, dang, it was not bad at all!  Of course the phrase "pea protein" was almost a quick no so if you're like me, you need to be brave and try new things.  I was worried about the typical pasty protein taste but this stuff actually mixed well in just water and was pretty smooth!

I'm not going to lie.  I love me some Mountain Dew but we all know sodas for the most part is a lose lose fluid.  Am I going to stop sodas?  Probably not.  That's what I want you to know is that you don't have to be perfect.  I'm going to fail forward with you! I'm cheering for you!  That being said, I have greatly reduced my soda intake because of this little packet!!!  EnergyFizz is the bomb dot com!!  They have several flavors including pineapple as tried in this video but as I mentioned I'm a Mt. Dew Soda lover so I love the Mango Peach flavor the best!  You put this easy to mix packet in a bottle of water and WHAM!!  It is almost like Carbonated Water!!!  I do recommend drinking a swallow before shaking it because as I mentioned there is FIZZ!  How cool is that!!??? I love drinking this anytime but my favorite time is in the afternoon when I need a little drink pick me up.  I hope you love it as much as I do!

Helpful Websites to manage your nutrition!

Click this------>     My Fitness Pal

Click this------>   Cronometer

Click this------>  Shake Recipes

Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 Hinson 24 Ultramarathon


So here I am again planning to do another Hinson24 Ultra event!  Below are past blogs of my adventures.  Obviously, I like this event as I now train for my 7th one!  This time I will be sharing this adventure with several usual suspects from G-Vegas and beyond but this year I'm very excited to be sharing this experience with several ECU XC teammates.  Follow me in this journey!  Let's go!

My First 6 Hinson24 Event Blogs

2016 Hinson 24 84.168m (56 laps) 8th place/323

2017 Hinson 24 79.6696m (53 laps)17th place/328

2018 Hinson 24 55.6184m (37 laps)55th place/382

2020-2021 Hinson24 63.1344m (42 laps)68th/334

2022 Hinson24  66.1408m (44 Laps) 29th/387/500

2023 Hinson24  27.1946m(18 Laps) 275th/418/500

Current Total Miles as of 2023=375.9258
Current Total Laps as of 2023=250

Before event registering, I was already dealing with left knee issues...

March 3rd Update

Well, I finished the month of February with a whopping 18.58 miles. YAY... haha.  My knee is still healing up but no longer painful however one of my running mates, Rob, said he still noticed a limp in my stride.  Meanwhile, now my right knee has been swelling a bit so I guess my check engine light stays on reminding me of what my friend, Thad, once said.  "Tim, we are in a state of constant disrepair".  Bless.  Keep in mind we were only like around 40 at the time and this year I'm turning 56.  Yikes.  Anyways, my first 10k of the month was today at 1:02:09 or about a 10 minute pace.  My average heart rate was 159.  For me this is a bit sad but I'm just happy to be running again.  Now if we can all stay healthy so this epic race reunion happens!

Rick reported that his elbow was indeed broken from a fall he had running last Saturday February 24th.  UGH!  Despite the news as well as job related news, he quote, "so I made lemonade:  123 miles on bike trainer and 17.25 miles walked.  I'm calling it a positive week."

March 4th Update

Tony reported, " I did 28 miles for the week but only 17 miles ran.  Doing a recovery week this week, focusing on stretching and core.  Calling PT for hamstring this morn."

Kyle reported, "I  just scored 5-8 foot waves off a reef in Dominican Republic"  "Ripped off a metal roof then put a new one on"  "Been pouring concrete a couple of days" "No running just surfing last 5 days" "I'll quote on earlier text 'we've still got time'"  "I do need a good PT"

We all shared our excitement about hanging out again.  As you can imagine, the memories together and the ones to be made are priceless.  This race is just a way to get us together for an epic reunion.

March 6th Update

I decided to text Choo, Sean, David, Blake, Rosey and Brian so far to see if anyone wants to join in the fun...  Rosey is getting married in Duck NC near that time so it's a no go for her.  We shall see about the others...

March 10th Update

Tony was the first one to chime in and actually did so a day early on the 9th!  He finished  what he reported to be a recovery week with a 10k in the rain.  "felt older this week with lower mileage than the previous" "Hamstring is tight but hasn't gotten worse" He hasn't been able to get PT as his PT is out with a shoulder injury.  He is planning to get an alternate and get new shoes.

Kyle just got back from the Dominican Republic.  "Did mile & half on treadmill after hitting arms & back" "I desperately need new shoes!" "Been running the last year in Mizuno Wave Horizons:

Rick:  as of the 9th he had "86 miles on bike trainer" "13 miles walked briskly"  "Don't tell the Dr, did a 2 min run, 3 min walk for 12.34 miles this am" "elbow getting better but needs more time" "job search/networking" "picking up a little steam"

I told the guys I had invited some others but no confirmations yet.  My left knee is feeling much better but now my right knee is swollen most of the week after my relatively strong 10k and 1m walk.  Kicking at karate probably didn't help.  I'm lifting well though and got a personal record at home with a 117.5lb strict curls which was higher than the 114 and change state record I set at the last competition.  My year to date resistance training is now at 750,397.9 lbs but sadly my aerobic mileage is only at 35.58 miles.  I'm frustrated but still hopeful.  Arghhhh.

March 17th Update

Tony:  "Scored 30 miles this week"  as he showed a pic of a purple toe after a furniture battle... He has an appointment set for an ortho doc April 2nd. He thinks he may have a fracture bleh!  I told him and the group that purple toes and losing toe nails in ultras were badges of honor... versus furniture not so much and instead simply sucks!

Rick: He shared losing some training time due to dental work but he managed, "30 miles running with 16 coming today"

Tim:  I chimed in to say "I suck" "right knee intermittently swelling up" "Frustrated but hopeful since I still can 'run' on it" I now have a total for the year of just 42.91m and a lifting total of 833,112.9lbs

Kyle:  He basically laughed at himself while sharing that he ran for 3 days of 1.8, 1.2 and 1.5.  "no waves ridden - flat" "drove 642 miles" "I start PT this afternoon and hopefully get stronger and come back healthy" In true Sully form he then shared "I left a purple toenail I pulled off on Rick's pillow today next to his face while he was sleeping"

Everyone laughed as Kyle reminded us of some old days goofing off as I shared, "good news is we are making new memories" and Kyle stating, "ever onward".

Let's Go!

March 18th

I had to wish Rich, my usual partner in crime with running as well as martial arts, a happy 50th welcoming into the cool kids club!  He shared that he's in for Hinson24 too with a plan for 70 miles!!! I shared my goal of beating by 84+ record but that I wanted to at least get that 100k medal.  Rich then replied, "I guess I better start running to get ready for September".  After sharing my ongoing knee issues he admitted that, "That sucks. I'm going to an acupuncturist on Tuesdays and the chiropractor on Thursdays" "Embrace the SUCK right??"  I then added, "You're now an expert of being comfortable with being uncomfortable" with him replying, "No doubt. Take care of those knees so we can get PRs at Hinson"  We ended with me replying, "For sure! Let's go!"

March 24th

Tim:  Right knee still swelling; YTD 50.26 miles; YTD 932,622lbs; continued good cross training with karate; "I'm in desperate need of increasing weekly aerobic mileage" "sending positive vibes to you all as we continue! Let's go!!"

Tony: Hang in there sir!  Are you able to cross train on bike or swim?

Tim:  yes! Can bike... no current pool access or time to use

Kyle: 7 miles for the week with a 2 mile long run; 2 days in the gym; surfed yesterday; "just got new shoes delivered so I'm definitely committed to training"

Rick:  41.6 run miles for he week; 18.3 miles today

Tony: Go Rick!  There's no keeping superman down!

Tony:  XRAY confirmed distal phalanx #4 fractured; the good news, no separation.  Walked a couple of miles.  Ortho says I can walk and ease back into running in a couple of weeks.  Perhaps the rest will also benefit the hamstring problem?

Rick: You know the cause of the issue now so you can fix it and build back stronger.  Rest up and stay positive.  Plenty of time ahead of us for Hinson.

Kyle: Banking on "plenty of time ahead" Have a great week boys

Tim:  Isn't getting older so much fun? Sorry to hear that Tony but now like Rick said, you can move forward.  The rest will certainly help the hamstring.  Hamstring issues are often a result from weak glutes so take this time to work on that as well as rolling, gentle ROM and strengthening.  Lots of time. We got this! Undaunted.

Tony:  Thx for the encouragement, gents! I should be seeing the ortho re: the hamstring next Wed.

Kyle:  Good advice Tim; the rolling and lacrosse ball tissue massage has made a big difference; "Getting Old is Epic"

Tony:  Isn't that right? Some of the comments on that topic from my son just make me laugh.

Kyle:  Stand your ground- don't let them call you a Boomer!!

Tony:  It's funny because I said the same ignorant stuff back in the day.  I remember cracking on the old guys at the Sunday morning long run back in G'ville.  Now I'm the old guy.

Tim:  Indeed getting old is Epic! Certainly better than the alternative!  The greater our challenges, the greater our stories and glory!

April 1st

Tony:  walked 20 miles last week with ortho's permission; appointment with ortho for hamstring on Wednesday if jury duty permits.  Go Pack!

Kyle:  Morning fellas; hope your Easter was a sweet time with family and friends celebrating Jesus resurrection; 6.6 miles of running; 2 days in the gym; got sick and lost 5lbs; leaving for Puerto Rico taking 25 students on a mission trip with construction and surfing bonus; love you guys.. have a blessed week

Tony: Family time was awesome this weekend. Truly a blessing; have a safe trip sir! Will send up a prayer for safe return.

Tim: lots of adventuring for Spring Break; stayed in NJ as a base but spent day in NYC and another day in Philly with several trips between to NJ Zoo, lighthouses and finding Geocaches! Knees slowly but surely improving... YTD = 50.26 miles YTD= 957,322lbs; Much love to all! Go Pack!  (in an unusual string of events, the NC State Men and Women are both in the Final 4)

Rick: Miles last week:  36.6 with a 16 miler Friday; Flew to Ireland to visit my daughter doing a semester there; signed for a marathon in 2 weeks that I've been wanting to run in honor of my Mom; nowhere near properly trained but will run walk and enjoy the day, hopefully; getting in Irish hills now though.

Kyle: I love geocaching Tim! Ireland is a bucket list destination for me Rick; Tony you're just freaking awesome; stoked on the time t reconnect with y'all

Tim:  I recommend everyone getting the RELIVE app! Rick, you definitely should while there!!  It's been good for my soul to have you all in my life... what blessings

April 3rd

I ended up sharing the schedule for this weekend's 10th annual Bill Carson Invitational which is a home ECU Track and Field Event.

Rick:  how nice it would of been to have a home track meet. 4 years of college track and 4 years of XC I only had 2 home races, both in XC; one in CT and one at ECU.

Tony: Yeah, we don't get the screaming fans... but I love distance running though.  no time outs, no substitutions, no yelling coach, certainly no cheerleaders-- the motivation has to come from within and the race is own or lost months in advance...

April 7th

Tim:  still trying to figure out this knee (now right)... either way I need to improve endurance somehow so I started cycling; YTD Running:  50.26; YTD Cycling:  13.95(4.65); YTD Aerobic Mileage:  54.91; YTD Resistance Training: 1,059,856.6

Weather is warming up! Let's go!!

Tony:  walked 22 miles last week; Ortho shot Xray of hamstring and wants MRI next; looking forward to rehab

Rick: 36 miles run; a lot of hours spent in cars and planes traveling from Ireland to Boston to NJ after second leg of our flight was cancelled and the drive to upstate NY to see eclipse today.. taper next week for marathon Sunday

Tony:  What a whirlwind! Welcome back sir.  Any pain from injuries?

Rick:  "I've got pains all over my body"

Tim:  Rick is Relentless!!  Basically, giving the universal sign to all the broken bones and other challenges!!  Tony, you are a machine.  You shall be back!  May we all remain Undaunted Arghhhh!

Kyle:  just got back from Puerto Rico; surfed almost every day for 1-2 hours; worked on some construction projects in some tropical conditions the whole week; no running but lots of moving; appreciate you guys; have a great day

Tim: Kyle!! Excellent all around! Surfing will make you CrossFit quick! Heck, I'm sore just thinking about 15 minutes of surfing! Let's go!!

Tony: Yep.  We're dealing with the yellow haze and injuries while Kyle rips off of PR surfing.

Rick:  Literally on a run now and these are my conditions(showring a wide snow filled path).

Tony:  Nasty.  Sorry I complained about the yellow haze.

Kyle:  The yellow haze is our snow

April 14th

Kyle:  YO Brothas!!  Last week 8.3 miles running; 3 hours surfing; 3 gym workouts; PT is going well--feeling stronger and pain is lessening; Grateful

Rick:  (did a marathon in honor of his mom) 4:13 9:37 pace

Tim:  Great news Kyle!! Rick! WOW! That's an amazing time and heart rate for minimal training! What a great honor to run in your mom's memory!!

Tim:  Knee pain was no fun bleh; Forward Relentless Progress; YTD Runs/Hikes 55.79; YTD Cycling:  13.95(4.65); YTD Aerobic Mileage:  60.44; YTD Resistance Training:  1,144,912.7lbs

Tony:  You Rock Rick Sir! Here's to an amazing run for your mom! Rick, I dedicated my Baldrick's fundraiser on Saturday to my mom, a cancer survivor who passed in January...  Kyle, glad to hear progress on mileage and PT.  Tim, are you seeing a PT?

Tony:  As for me, 22 miles walked last week.  MRI confirmed tendinosis plus partial tear of hamstring, along with tear of hip labrum.  Bonus: signs of OA in lumbar spine; seeing the ortho this afternoon for treatment plan

Tim:  Sending positive vibes to all especially Tony this week! Stopped seeing PT after left knee healed... Honestly, as an OT, it's basically the same ole except for dry needling etc which I don't know if that really helped.. Sarah my PT is awesome though and gave great advice etc and of course I will revisit if things don't progress...

Kyle: love you guys... at our age...pain, tears and prayers...

Tony:  After going it alone for 6 months, I'm ready for pro help. IMO they are objective and know when to rest vs when to push

Tim:  True but I'm a therapist so I know but unfortunately, I don't always practice what I preach and compliance may not happen regardless of what they tell me..laughs

April 28th

May 7th

This video has my long run with Brad plus updates etc at end...
YTD Run/Hike/Sport= 85.16
YTD Cycling = 35.85(11.95)
YTD Aerobic Mileage=97.11
YTD Resistance Training=1,404,475lbs

1st 5k in Ages
ran with Landon!
Run with The Bears 5k
Plymouth NC
1st Day of Annual GoRun Summer Streak
June 1st, 2024

11 miler with Brad & Curt
I'm definitely out of shape and running the 5k yesterday did not help haha... Happy that my knees are okay despite some swelling... 
2 days of Annual GoRun Streak done!
June 2nd, 2024

Friday, December 15, 2023

2024 RAW Powerlifting Federation North Carolina State and National Championships


National Championships
A New Year and a New Age Group for me!!
But first...

North Carolina State Championships!!

1st 2 weeks of Training in December '23

Last 2 weeks of 2023!!

1st 2 weeks of 2024

Mid Jan through January 28th 2024

State Championships were moved to be part of the American Challenge in May at Currituck HS to be part of the competition to determine the National Champion in each division.  The Fitness Warehouse Competition was a great way to not wait so long to compete that was not too far away.  I was fortunate to be able to stay at my wife's parents' home in Elizabeth City the night before so I could weigh in and eat etc.

New State Record!!

Failed attempt at beating the State Record

Decided I needed to be able to prepare more after setting the state record for the Strict Curl.  There are many strong cats out there who are able to beat my curl once they enter my new 55-59 age group so I want to be at least competitive.  I didn't want to spend $1200 for an official strict curl set up plus I really didn't have room for one.  I decided to look for an old bench or something that I could use the bench pad part.  I found this sit up bench for just $29!

March 3rd Update

Time is slipping by quickly.  It seems like May is a long way ahead but it's not really when trying to train properly while also keeping my weight down.  I'm ranging from 153-156 but of course I need to be 148.8 for competition.  So far I've lifted 659,185.8 pounds and I've ran 35.58 miles.  I've had some good lifts but oddly just those few pounds dropped to 148 ish really makes a difference.  I'm going to try to keep weight closer to competition  weight and see what happens.  There are a few other competitions before the May one but soccer matches will be on those weekends.  As a parent, watching my kids play is everything.  These days become more and more limited and I want to see them do their thing as much as possible.

March 9th Update

I can feel myself getting stronger.  I just have to be patient and consistent.

A mix of training the first part of March 2024
with my fellow gym rats

I really like using chains for variable resistance.  It is my hope that they will help me break some plateaus with my bench press.

March 19th 2024

At about 155 I can do a pretty clean 108kg (237.6lb) bench and an okay 110 (242) along with an ugly would not count 250 but when I drop my weight to 148 I struggle.  Trying to be patient.

April 2nd Update

I was really excited about this lift until I saw the scale... bleh... I was around 155 doing this but I need to be down to 148.8!!!  Regardless, this was a new PR Pause I think.... I think my previous was just 250 so this was more at 115kd(253.5).


Just playing around with some motivation clips as I prepare... I really need to cut weight...  So crazy, I've just been hungrier lately and having all these going away parties for people resigning at work is not helping!!  I was about 158 in these clips... ugh!  That's 10 over!

April 28th

May 2nd

Great day celebrating 30 years doing OT at ECU Health and then 2 New PR's in the MMG!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

2023 RAW Powerlifting Federation World Championships in VA Beach USA


The Journey to Worlds...

Sporting my RAW American Challenge Shirt with my lady and a beer in Curacao!

My Background Profile

Henderson Open

Last Competition before Worlds...

Just an example workout...

Just a fun meme

Finishing my 33 Marathon or greater distance... this was my 21st Ultra Marathon!

Unfortunately, it's difficult to be a good runner and a good powerlifter at the same time so I have accepted the fact that I will be moderate with both.

Another training session to prepare for Worlds...

My weight before the drive to the official weigh in

The Arrival!!

It's getting REAL!!


Made weight!!!

Rickey's turn!

YIKES!  They go all out!  I'm looking official now!

Gotta get my World Championship Shirt complete with all the competitor names on the back!

Hanging out with Eric and Rickey after Wednesday Weigh Ins

Hanging out with Multi World Title Holder for 123lb class "Buck"

Trying to be cool like the RAW President Paul Bossi!!

I simply can't hang with this Multi-Record Holder Gary Teeter!!

This man can curl his weight!!!

So many cool people here at Worlds!


The View From Our Room

These Awards have got to be some of the most amazing ones I've ever seen!  A GOLD Curl Bar!!! WOW!!!!

My Strict Curl Flight

TC, RAW VP awards me my World Title for the Strict Curls in the 67.5kg 50-54 class!

TC the Vice President of RAW and another amazing powerlifter has his own business with supplements and personal training.  I love these Protein Brownies I bought from him!!

Winning the 2023 RAW Powerlifting Federation Worlds Championship Strict Curl 50-54 Men's 67.5kg division...

Rickey Strict Curls

New friend, Eric and I celebrating some Strict Curl Bling!!

My Bench Press Flight

Winning the 2023 RAW Powerlifting Federation Worlds Championship Bench Press 50-54 Men's 67.5kg division...

George James

Special thanks to these 2 men who helped psych me up for my final lift!

Matt, like all these men, is a beast.  I'll be in his age group after December!  55-59 here I come!

Some of the 67.5 / 148.8 class

Lots of Motivation and Inspiration from all these men!!!

2023 Hall of Fame Banquet

Rickey earns 3rd in Pro-Curl Event

This was after the Hall of Fame Banquet

Tribute to my friend Rickey

Randoms from Thursday's Strict Curl Competition

Strict Curl Results

Friday Weigh Ins

Randoms from Friday's Kids' and Women's Competition

Youth and Women's Results

Randoms from Saturday's Light Weight Men's Competition

Light Weight Men's World Competition Results

Link to World's Light Weight Men's Competition

Rickey and Harry await their turn for the Bench Press Attempts

Randoms from Sunday's Heavy Weight Men's Competition

Link to Results

Link to All Time Men Ranks

Other Meets and Results

Link to Meets and Results


Reno was a cool dude who took over the background music when the DJ was not available.  He was not only a strong powerlifter but I loved the way he played the music in the background to pump us up!!

Lots of Cool Shirts

My long awaited meal after Wednesday Weigh Ins the day before the Strict Curl Event

After making weight AGAIN but this time on Friday for Saturday's Bench Press Competition, this place called the "Roosters Cafe'" was outstanding!!  I love a basic old school breakfast.  Toast and Jelly, Corn Beef and Hash, 3 fried eggs over medium and grits!  Let's go!!!

Important Information
After each weigh in you have to give your first attempt for that event.  Of course, at this level, it's in kilograms not pounds.

Well, we were all disappointed on the bait and switch when Lee Haney didn't show up for the Hall of Fame Banquet but I did get a chance to hang out with this BEAST!!!

Oh you don't know him?
Check out this video link!!

My wife's cousin Eric (another crazy 500lb bencher) introduced me to this NC Hall of Famer Harry Orr.  We've been friends ever since!

This is Harry's brother Casey Orr! Yep! As you may have guessed, he's a NC Hall of Famer too!  Lots of good genes in that family!