Monday, August 8, 2022
The Heel Lock Shoe Tying Method
Friday, April 29, 2022
Home Safety
I can't even count the number of times that I've instructed patients about Home Safety during my Occupational Therapy career. Often times, people know what to do but either they choose not to do it or life simply happens. Either way it's always my hope that we all try to remember that "The Safe Way is The Best Way!". In this blog entry, I'm going to try to review the basics of fall prevention, random emergency situations, preventing fires, preventing burns, ways to communicate, bathroom safety, and personal safety. Hopefully, these reminders will help you become safer and more independent.
Fall Prevention
I want to review ways to prevent falls first since the facts regarding falls are alarming to me. There has been rising injuries, hospitalizations and even deaths related to falls so any amount of awareness and prevention we share has got to be a good thing. Check out this link by the CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) about falls.
Often times we need to question if we even need scatter rugs. I like to call them throw rugs because they do tend to throw us down if we aren't careful. But seriously, they will increase our chance of falling because they do not always stay still or one could catch their foot on the edge etc. Awareness of your surroundings as well as how you feel are keys to reducing your chance of falling. Try to rest before walking and certainly avoid doing anything if you are dizzy. Ask yourself if you get dizzy when you turn your head or is it when you get up quickly or is it during other situations. Be prepared to tell your doctor and perhaps a therapist can help you or maybe something more serious is going on that you need to attend to.
Good shoes can make a big difference. Make sure your shoes fit properly and have non slip soles. Shoes with heels can be a challenge. Try to consider shoes which are more stable to reduce your chance of slipping, tripping and consequently falling and injuring yourself.
When I wrestled, I started tucking in my laces. Till this day, I still do! When the laces get loose, at least you don't have to retie them right then to avoid an immediate fall hazard.
That pretty much gives you a good start to being safe. But seriously, if you find yourself going to the bathroom too often or you don't have a good stream when you do, you men might need to check your prostrate. Pay attention to your bathroom visits. Is your urine cloudy? dark? unusual in any way? Do you have an infection? Change in medications? If you don't know, go talk to your doctor.
Hopefully your steps are of the same size and height. Often times, we forget to look where we are going or we simply go on auto pilot. This isn't a problem with clear paths on an even same size step route but if not, you could be headed for a fall. Either fix the steps or pay attention more! If not clear, then first remove any obstacles like pets, stray animals, toys, laundry, flower pots or anything that is in the way. Of course, the rails are an easy thing to use. Know your limitations.
There are metal rental ramps you can get and even some Churches and other companies do grants and have volunteers that could build one for you. It never hurts to ask.
"911" can contact anyone you might need in case of emergencies!
Police, Rescue, Firetruck and beyond!
Discuss and practice what you plan to do in case of emergencies of all types. Fire? Hurricane? Tornado?
These are all great! If you still have an old school phone, I recommend calling someone before you go to bed that you can trust. This is a great check in but also if something happens you can simply press redail. Of course, times have changed with technology and now you can program your smart phones to call emergency contacts and even more. Go to your short cuts on your phone and check out all the ways you can program your phone! If you're a runner or walker or even a cyclist and hiker, I'd get one of those ROADID bands you can wear around your wrist or ankle or even other places. This will have emergency contacts and even allergies etc that others might need to know if you pass out etc. Many alarm companies can connect an emergency button from a wrist band or necklace etc. This is great! Remember if you get a stroke or something, you may not be able to talk.
Let's face it, typical soap dishes and other holders are not made to support your body weight. But, that being said, if you are already falling, to be sure anything you grab will at least slow you down!
Bath mats are great! Don't forget to dry yourself completely and avoid running or moving fast around the bathroom where it is slippery and there are many hard unforgiving surfaces!
Honestly, any criminal can find a way in but let's not make it easy on them. Simple devices like these can make a big difference.
I love all my video cameras! The cool thing is I have phone applications that send notifications, save videos and I can even talk to people no matter where I am!
Self Defense is definitely something I recommend as well. I lost count of how many people ask me would it be effective to do a single self defense workshop or how long does it take an average person to earn a Black Belt. Honestly, any training is better than nothing because much of training is awareness and avoiding conflicts to start with. As for the average person to earn a Black Belt, an average person can't earn the rank of Black Belt. It takes lots of discipline, intelligence, athletic ability, emotional stability and so much more. It takes a long time to really be effective with self defense or any skill. To be effective, you need to have the muscle memory to be able to react without thinking. Strength and endurance as well as coordination just doesn't happen over night. That being all said, I consider martial arts like swimming. They are life skills that sure you could enjoy the sport aspects but everyone should be able to protect their self and not drown.
These numbers can vary from place to place and could even change. Remember if unsure, call "911". There are professionals out there to help you! Please consider calling if you ever need someone.
keep checking back for updates!
Monday, April 25, 2022
Energy Conservation
One of the many things we do in Occupational Therapy is talk about Energy Conservation and how using these related techniques can help one increase their overall independence. Basically, when we talk about energy conservation, we are not talking about saving gas, electric and other related forms of energy. Instead, we are talking about your energy to live and be functional. It involves doing your daily deeds sort of speak with the least amount of effort in the most efficient way. Of course, this means you can use short cuts, energy saving devices or good body mechanics. The hope is that by doing so you can avoid getting tired quickly, decrease your chance of getting hurt and even prevent pain. The idea is by doing these things, you can be more active so that you can do what is purposeful and meaningful to you. I hope the main things you like to do is take care of yourself. Once you've been able to dress yourself, bathe yourself and do other self care tasks then you can move to house or yard work and eventually other activities you enjoy doing. In the end, the hope is that there is some kind of balance between work rest and play without depending on others.
Time Management
Sometimes, the only thing some people need to do is organize and plan their daily or even their month's schedule. Try to balance rest with activity by alternating light and heavy workloads.
Try to plan your schedule to use about the same amount of energy each day
Here is a great link to free charts and calendars:
I like to first put all the things you can't change on the calendar like holidays, birthdays and special events (kids sports, band concerts, parent teacher meetings, baby showers etc). Then add your work or volunteer schedule that can't be flexed. When are the prescriptions due for refill? Now attempt to set your doctor appointments around them. Once all that is done, you can attempt to figure out how to spread out yard and house work as well as when you can shop for groceries etc. It's a bit of a challenge at first but once you get in a habit, it isn't too bad. Remember not to load yourself up with responsibilities around the same time. It's ok to say no.
Avoid Needless Steps
If you plan to cook something, plan ahead and get all your ingredients and supplies organized on the counter to avoid too much back and forth to the pantry or fridge. If you are going to repair something, plan ahead to get tools or other items ahead of time.
Sit To Work As Much As Possible
There is so much that you can do in sitting to save energy. Gardening, feeding a baby, folding laundry, playing musical instruments, taking a shower, combing hair, brushing hair, shaving or even preparing a meal are just some examples. It may seem like no big deal but at the end of the day all the little deals do add up. As the old saying states, "work smarter not harder".
Arrange Storage Or Work Areas
Stay organized. If you use an item frequently, try to store on the counter or the top of the bottom shelves or the bottom of the top shelves. Don't change where you put the items. Basically, keep items in an easy to reach consistent place.
Duplicate Items
If you use the same item in multiple places, then you might want to consider having more than one of them. For example, if I need cleaning items then you could have one set upstairs and one set downstairs. You could keep cleaning soaps in one bathroom, the other bathroom and even more in the kitchen. If you have a centered closet then of course that would work too.
If you have room, a rolling cart is a really nice way to transport laundry or items when setting a table for dinner etc.
You can slide pots, skillets etc during cooking related tasks instead of picking them up. You might want to consider light weight pots and pans etc instead of iron etc. Obviously, paper and plastic will be lighter than glass and iron etc.
Use Long handled Dust Pans
It's okay to hire people to help! There are several businesses that deliver!
Remember to schedule regular rest breaks. About 10 minutes out of each hour should be spend resting.
Will be updating periodically for more cool stuff! Many just quick adds from my powerpoint! Stay tuned!